I think enjoying work is really a #firstworldproblem. Work is just a means to not dying of hunger. I think the whole "finding your calling" and "fulfilling your purpose" has blinded most people to think that work needs to be fulfilling.
The people I know who are most happy are not those with the dream job, but those with a dream life. They can work in a job they don't mind doing but do what they love after work or on weekends.
I once made an observation in a team I worked in after getting my degree. There were essentially two attitudes toward work.
1) Those that kept focusing on how unfulfilling their work was. These would moan and groan about how work sucks. So in order to overcome their saddness, they ate good food at lunch, bought expensive stuff and went for crazy luxury vacations. Their negative vibe even translated into work and they would ironically end work late because of procrastination.
2) Those that focused on how fulfilling their life outside of work was. They still did not find their passion at work but did not mind doing it. But instead of moaning and groaning, their perspective was that work was funding their passions. Many of them had side businesses on the weekend doing the things they like being a yoga instructor, Sunday School Teacher, Community leader, Being a Parent. etc. Many of them would rush through lunch just to get off work early to do their passion.
After my stint at that company, I realized those in group 2 kept getting promoted which ironically gave them more money to do what they loved to do. And a few even funded their passion to a point they quit their 9-to-5 when their side income exceeded their main one.